
a free estimate


Specifics of required services

For a free estimate of the required services, please fill in the form below:
(Fields marked with * are mandatory!)

Type of space requiring services:
Company: Household:
Number of people
working in this space:
Number of people
living in this space:

Frequency of the required services:

Total area: sqm

Floor: floor tiles: sqm
marble: sqm mosaic / cement: sqm
linoleum: sqm parquet: sqm
moquette: sqm carpet: sqm

Normal window - area: sqm Termopan window - area: sqm

Special spaces:
Number of lavatories: No of balconies:
Kitchen area: sqm Basement area: sqm

Other cleaning-related needs / requirements:

Your contact details

Contact person: *
E-mail: *
Phone: *

Magnus Trust s.r.l.:
B-dul. Theodor Pallady nr. 5, bl. x4, sc.3, apt. 118 - Sector 3, Bucuresti
Registrul Comertului: J40/3694/1992
Cod Fiscal: R 383470

servicii curatenie

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